Anchorages 2 - 4

Anchorages 2 to 4 – 28th Feb 2011 Praia dos Mangues has a walk over the mountain across the island to a beach on the open sea side of the island called Lopes Mendes. So we putted across to the beach in the rubber duck and walked over the mountain. The beach was beautiful and spotlessly clean. Water temperature is about 30deg C. We lay on the beach for a while then set off back over the mountain. Just in time!! Boat loads of day visitors were arriving and we passed them on the way back. We pulled the anchor and set off for Angra Dos Reis to be stamped in. In Brazil every place you go to you have to be stamped in and out by the “Capitain Dos Portos” (Captain of the Port). Having been told it was a major hassle it was great to be in and out in 5 mins with pleasant helpful people in charge. We anchored at the Iate Clube Rio De Janeiro subside Angra dos Reis (ICRJ s ADR); compliments of our new friend who has an anchorage there and is a member. She contacted the commodore and told him we were her guests from South Africa and they were to award us every privilege of a member. Many thanks to Leila Winkler!!! She has given us and incredible base to work from in the area. We can anchor there use their water and power and come and go as we please. That afternoon having completed the necessary red tape we decided to go back to Il ha Grande, to the bay called Enseada de Sitio Forte. By this tme the South Easter had sprung up and was gusting 30 knots. The bay had a big swell and chop and we thought it would be more protected there. So we sailed across, about one and half hours sail and moored at Praia Tapera. We had just settled down with sun downers and realised our anchor was dragging. The wind was gusting 30 knots and more. So we up anchored and moved. Once again dinner was on the stove, drinks in hand and we again started dragging anchor. By this time it was dark! We tried one more place and decided to hell with this in the dark and sailed back to ”ICRJ s ADR” only to find another boat on our mooring. The response is censored. Well no problem we used one of the nearby houses mooring buoys and had a peaceful night. The next morning we sailed back to Enseada do Sitio Forte an d anchored at Praia Passatera. As we were tying up to one of the buoys off the beach a man started waving and pointing and then he climbed into a boat and poled himself over. We thought we were about to be chased off!! He greeted us warmly and asked, in English, if we needed help! Well blow us over with a feather! It was great we immediately on settling in swam over to his beach bar for a drink. We spent 3 nights there snorkling and scuba diving on day 2. We had just finished a dive and were on our way back to the boat when our friends and race mates on “Myrtle of Bonnivale” arrived. The went and anchored at Praia Tapera and we planned to meet at the floating bar called “Bacana’s Bar”. The bar is owned and run by a Red Indian chap and his family. We named him Bacana, not knowing if it was right or not as not one of them spoke a word of English. We have great time trying to communicate; the locals are so patient and enounce the words slowly trying to get us to understand. The more “chope” (draught beer) we drink the easier it becomes J We ordered oysters, Bacana goes to the end of the floating platform, pulls up a basket of fresh oysters picks out our 24 (we had 2 plates between 5) and opens them. Fresh from the sea has never been to literal. WE have long conversations everyone laughing and talking and not one understands the other. Bacana has a turtle he calls “Cash Hilda” well that how he pronounces it. He calls her name and she arrives and is rewarded with fish which she eats from his hand. What a treat, she is simply beautiful. A great day spend with Myrtles crew Pierre (owner) , Jennifer and Derek, who are sailing back with him. They left his morning back to Angra dos Reis to be stamped out. We up anchored and set off for a dive site we had heard of being a downed helicopter. I don’t have to explain our interest. We found it quite easily and had a good hour scuba and then snorkelling the site. Having satisfied our curiosity we set off for a new anchorage called Lagua Azur (Blue Lagoon). We had just set our anchor when the heavens opened up on us. Great excitement, valves turned to full our water tanks with fresh water and every available bucket put on deck to gather water for washing tomorrow. More info later. From a peaceful rainy Il ha Grande we wish you well. |