Very Bouncy Biscay
The Voyages of Fujin II
Stuart & Elizabeth Milne
Sun 19 Jul 2015 08:37
We had some really great sailing yesterday from around 0800 to 1400 when the wind veered to the south west. Top speed with the full genoa and main was 10.7 knots through the water - not sure what wind speed was exactly since the instrument is not working properly but around 15 knots or so I guess.
From 1400 onwards, the seas and wind began to build and we took a fair bit of water into the cockpit. Very uncomfortable for the crew with sleep next to impossible but the yacht performed admirably and kept motor sailing at around 7 knots despite the foul conditions. Winds estimated at F6 to F7 and breaking waves of 2 to 3 metres. We were all thoroughly soaked.... It reminded me of rounding Shimoda on the way to Kii Hanto!
Somehow or other, Patrick managed to cook up some spaghetti bolognese! Appetites were faint but we did all eat and hold it down!
We altered course to avoid taking the waves head on and pointed towards A Coruna rather than Cape Finisterre and conditions moderated in the early hours. The lighthouse marking the entrance to A Coruna was in sight when I came on watch at 0500, before dawn. Having considered putting into port for 12 hours to wait out a F8 gale around Finisterre, we settled on continuing (having picked up the latest forecast on wifi) and we are now sailing along at 8 knots with smooth sea state and winds on the beam at F3. I've just finished serving bacon and eggs to all - a welcome morale booster after the last 12 hours of teeth clenching!
Anyway, Patrick, Kez and I have now crossed Biscay for the first time - bloodied but unbowed and very ready for some sun, smooth seas and moderate winds! And here's a picture of Spain to prove it... Champagne for lunch!
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