Bertie's Blog, a story from a young Sea Dog.

Steve Powell
Fri 5 Apr 2013 15:49
Hi All, my name is Bertie

“What is this boat thing all about?”
Well they say It's a dogs life, but where does that come from. I thought a dogs life was all about walks, food, sleep and play. Ŵell my life since February has changed dramatically, first of all I was called Bertie and now I am ‘Biscay Bertie’. Why my masters have renamed me I really don’t know. It all started when my master and mistress leased out the big house, and we trawled round lots of houses to find somewhere lovely to live, of course being a dog I found that bit really boring. All I wanted was my ball to play with.
Anyway Christmas came and my Aunts Lucie and Sophie came home and the adults were talking, then I overheard the mistress agreeing to go on the boat. Now I didn't know what there talking about, what's a boat I asked myself. Anyway before I know it a yellow thing arrived for me in the post. Not the most fetching of coats I've got, but they all seemed quite excited by it, and called it a lifejacket. Then before you know it we were packing things up, what was going on I thought. Well they seemed to make choices of what toys I was taking, hello I wanted them all.

My fancy new Life jacket, not quite up to me usual sense of style. I prefer the Barbour.
Well off we went, leaving my pal Nelson behind. We went to a smaller holiday house in Beaulieu, it was fun. Still went back to Ladycross to start with, as apparently we were still moving. Still went on my walks with my pal Freda and my sister, mum and uncle and Maize. So I was happy. I seemed to have more attention from the mistress cause she seemed a little distracted before we left the big house. I thought okay I can live with this place, walks on the forest just like old times, the only downfall was I couldn't play outside on my own as there was no garden only the forest. Hello don't they trust me or something!
Life seemed as it used to be, so I was happy, then before I knew it we went on the boat thing. I was taken down in my yellow outfit and strapped on with a lead to this line thing, apparently the boat yard had set up a special line for me to be strapped onto in bad weather. Hey I'm used to being out in bad weather but never been strapped on before with a yellow outfit, I hope no one sees me, after all its not country like my Barbour.
We set of sail and I quite liked it, it was very windy and I went up front with my mistress and liked the wind blowing my ears out. We didn't stay out for long but it was a different experience. Well I thought ‘been there, done it’, now can I get back in front of the fire.
Skip forward a few days and we go to this restaurant where all these people I know are, I am dressed up in this striped sailor’s outfit and was allowed in the restaurant because I was crew. Everyone is hugging and crying, don't know why, but apparently it had something to do with that boat thing.
The next day we started packing again, I saw the mistress pack the tennis balls, so I'm happy. We go onto the boat and the masters friend Bottie and his brother in law arrive, strangely enough he was called Bertie too! We have dinner and go to bed. I'm allowed to sleep in this bunk thing with the mistress, I must have been very good to be allowed such a treat. The men seem to get up very early, then there's all this noise going on, then this funny rocking and rolling sensation. I don't know what is going on. Well the mistress and I lie there for a few hours then get up, I have my yellow outfit put on and I'm lifted up into the cockpit, they keep saying ‘wee wees’ to me. They have to be joking!! In public and where I ask you? All I can see is sea and sky all round. I like a tree to lean against.

Me and the Skipper, I had to give him a few tips on how to handle bad weather.
This boat thing is whizzing along but not too comfortable, the mistress goes to make them bacon sandwiches (I only get biscuits) then she goes to lie down, don't think she feels too good. Hey I got to lie with her again so I was happy. We were on our way to Guernsey and to a marina called Beaucette, we couldn't get in so had to go and anchor up in a small bay for the night. We tried again the next morning at 4am (in the mistresses bed again this boat thing has its perks) couldn't get in again. We went onto a temporary mooring in the town of St Peters Port, I got of, wow was I relieved, yes at last!!! Everyone kept patting me and saying how good I have been, I love all this attention. I feel I have been pretty good too.
Well we made it into Beaucette Marina at last, it's lovely and there's lots of lovely walks here, lots of beaches to play on and have met a few dogs so hope I can find a friend here. My Aunts, Lucie and Sophie plus Will and Charlie came for Easter and that was huge fun. I was mega spoilt, we played football on the beach everyday and went for long walks. I didn't like it when they left me to go to dinner, but they spoilt me when they got back. So I'm left with the oldies at the moment, they take me out everyday but it is so cold here. The wind whistles right through me, I'm so glad that mistress bought my Barbour. Well she could have got me a Musto to match hers, I might have felt more the part then and felt warmer. However I'm quite happy and have slotted into the next place to live.

Me and my beach....
Apparently we have some friends coming over next week, more being fawned over, I can handle that. We are then waiting for the Botties and Listers to come on board then we are going off on our adventures, apparently that is when my new name comes into its own as I am going across the Bay of Biscay.
I will keep you all posted if anyone wants to know more of my travels.
AKA Biscay Bertie
5th April 2013
Me & Bertman.jpg
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