"Atlantic Assault"

Steve Powell
Fri 13 Nov 2009 18:07
Well, after sitting in Savannah for several days waiting for Hurricane Ida to blow herself out. We were planning to give Tony a final night out on Wednesday and then head off at dawn on Thursday. But Mother Nature had other ideas. All through the day on Wednesday this big Low that was supposed to be heading NE just sat there and built itself up into a frenzy. As the day progressed the forecast got worse, 50mph winds and 3m seas on a spring tide.
So being the cautious and caring skipper (TIC) that I am I decided to delay our departure for 24 hours, much to everyone’s relief as that meant we could give Tony a really good send off without worrying about hangovers etc,. We once again ended up in JJ Bonerz, previously reported as the best bar in Savannah, eating Bar-B-Q Ribs and drinking great beer with the owners, Julie & Jeff.
A great time was had by all with a great Country Band, all the while watching ‘Live’ transmissions on the Weather Channel, they have a special channel just for weather here, of the “biggest storm to hit the area since Hurricane Isabel in 2003”. Headlined in large red letters “ ATLANTIC ASSAULT” This, of course, gave the TV anchor men the perfect opportunity to loosen their ties and look concerned while talking to mad reporters transmitting ‘Live” from the middle of the storm all the while claiming “this is why I do the job, I live for this kinda story!”. Meanwhile, we are getting very happily merry and they are getting soaked, sand blasted and generally battered about.
I must admit we took a great deal of pleasure out of seeing them getting battered, mainly because we weren’t out there!
We said all our goodbye’s and hit our bunks at a nearly reasonable hour. Tony departed for Miami early the next morning and we had a very, very lazy day, then early to bed.
We departed Savannah at dawn this morning and now have the most perfect sailing conditions. As the low has moved NE from us it has put a nice 20kts wind on our starboard quarter. We are now ‘goose winging’ down the East Coast on our way to Cape Canaveral. ETA sometime tomorrow afternoon.
Tony, we’re missing you already, especially Bottie, your soul mate.
One thing I forgot to mention to the crew when I delayed our departure 24hrs, today’s Friday the 13th!
Luv to all.
Steve Powell (Owner/Skipper)
UHURU of Lymington
steve {CHANGE TO AT} uhuru {DOT} mailasail {DOT} com
Mob: +44 7774 423 449
Boat Sat Phone: +870773150353
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