Family time....
Steve Powell
Fri 26 Nov 2010 16:43
I realise I haven’t done a blog for awhile and close followers of the blog will notice that whenever ‘Da Family’ come onboard the blogs tend to dry up. There are two reasons for that, one it’s easier to get creative and write a blog when your feeling a little lonely and sorry for yourself. Ah poor boy! And two when ‘Da Family’ is onboard I naturally dedicate all my time and energy’s to tending to their every need and enjoyment. Which I have been doing in spades for the last two weeks. I think I have done more ‘beach time’ in this last two weeks than I have in the last ten years!
Salvador at dawn as we came in to pick up Beans, Lucie & Will.
All very worth it though. Beans, Lucie & Will, arrived in Salvador just over two weeks ago and we immediately went into ‘canapé’ mode, or full charter mode. Everything scrubbed on a daily basis and canapés with every meal. After spending a couple of days in Salvador we set sail and headed south. The first legs were specially chosen to be short day sails and nothing two challenging. We stopped off in some lovely spots. Enseada de Guarapu on Morro de Sao Paulo, a beautiful little fishing village inside some scary reefs. And we spent a couple of days exploring the Baia de Camamu, which was stunning. A fantastic up river anchorage, that gave us good access to some amazing Atlantic surf beaches.
Brazil has offered some of the quietest and most beautiful beaches I have ever come across.
A river boat taking us out to the Atlantic beaches for the surf and a quiet walk through pretty little fishing village.
But in the end we had to do some serious sailing as we still had to cover over 900nm during this little holiday for Beans, if we were to make Rio in time. So we set off on what was planned as a three nighter, four days and three nights at sea. Our plan was to crack most of the journey in one big hit. Which we did, with very little incident. Lucie and Will managed to stand their turn on watch keeping, with me dozing in the cockpit. And we all got a long very well, remarkably! Beans didn’t constantly remind me that she ‘Hates night sailing’, Lucie didn’t complain about being treated as ‘crew’! And Will, well he’s just happy, as long as there’s a surf beach at the other end.
Not to be outdone by Olli's 22lb Dorado, see Beanie’s quest blog, the very next day Will hooked into a twenty four and a half pounder. Which he battled for a good twenty minutes before landing it.
Will’s record Dorado weighed in at a whopping 24 1/5 pounds. Botty then filleted it expertly while dreaming up fish recipes.
Happy times, as long as you like fish!
Next stop Buzio, a small fishing village and holiday resort about a 100nm north of Rio.
Luv to all
Will standing watch, not bad for a surfing dude...