Heading North
Steve Powell
Sun 26 Apr 2009 16:33
Well here we are again, trucking along a 9kts in perfect sailing conditions heading towards a little pimple in the middle of the Atlantic called Bermuda.
We, (Oly, Euan and Dave, three young hopefuls and me), left Antigua yesterday as the first day of the Antigua Sail week. We had a great send off from all the people I have met and got to know in English Harbour, with a special cheer from all the guests at Catherine’s, the best restaurant in Antigua, orchestrated by Quime & Claudine, the owners. It was really quite sad leaving. I have really enjoyed my time in the Caribbean, especially English Harbour.
But move on we must. My goal now is to get to Newport, USA, as soon as safely possible via Bermuda. Antigua to Bermuda is just over 900 miles and should take us 5-6 days. Then Newport is another 4-5 days after that, weather permitting. It looks as if we will manage a 200 mile day on our first day so all looks good. Winds are 20kts plus and steady from the ENE, and seas are running about 2 meters. Not Beanie’s kind of sailing, but great for passage making.
Weather will be the big deciding factor on this trip, as we are a little early in the season for going north, but we will get to Bermuda and wait for a weather window up to Newport. The average daily temperature in the Caribbean at the moment is 80degF, in Newport it’s 50degF. So you might get a feeling for the changes that we will be going through over the next week or so.
When we do get to Newport my plan is to lift her out of the water for a couple of months to have a few jobs done, plus any warranty work. This will allow me to come home for the summer and enjoy the delights of England.
Since leaving all the colour and spectacle of Antigua with the race week going on we have not seen another vessel of any kind. Which is a little strange as I am sure these are not the quietest waters in the world. Or.......maybe, it’s something to do with the Bermuda Triangle.... Da,Da,Da, Daaaaa.
That, I'm afraid, was a pathetic attempt to introduce a little drama into an otherwise routine blog!! Sad times all round :-)
All’s well and I’ll keep you posted.
Steve Powell (Owner/Skipper)
UHURU of Lymington
steve {CHANGE TO AT} uhuru {DOT} mailasail {DOT} com
Mob: +44 7774 423 449
Boat Sat Phone: +870773150353
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