Day 1 - 2nd June

SY Saphir -
Jeff & Doreen
Thu 2 Jun 2022 21:16
01:46S 92:26W

Just completed our first day at sea on this leg and as always it takes a day or two to get into the swing of things again. 

After completing the formalities in Santa Cruz, filling up the tanks and clearing out we finally manage to depart the anchorage at 12.00 local. 

We had been anchored Fore and Aft to keep the bow into the swell in the harbour which worked ok. However we had some fun getting the stern anchor up because it had dug itself in very well and while picking it up we found that something had chafed the anchor line. It was literally hanging by a thread! I imagine that one off the other boats had anchored over the top of the line and damaged it. Anyway we got  both anchors up and I cleared the deck and washed the chain and warps down with the deck wash pump while Doreens drove round in circles. 

Part Excerpt from our day 1 log below:-

1st JUNE 2022
12.00 Departed Anchorage  (18.00Z)
Approx 3000nm to Hiva Oa

12.30 1/2 nm SE PTA Estrada
Log 7744.1
Course 180
Wind SxE 6kts
Vis  mod. Misty
Motor Sailing with main one reef. 
Eng hrs 2551.9
Fuel Approx 285lt
Water full

15.00 Pos 0 53S 90 31
Log 7759.3
Course 235
Wind S 13k
Vis poor
Motor sailing Jib and reefed main

Running Wmaker  to test
Spoke to Sweet Reach. They were bound for SC and will be probably 4 days behind us. 
Cat “Womble" 1nm astern heading for Nuka Hiva

15.15 Eng off. 
Sailing Jib and one reef 
15.22 Eng on

17.00 Eng off.
Sailing with jib and one reef

18.06 Pos 01 01’S 90 48W
Log 7778.3
Course 235
Wind SSE 12
Vis Mod
POS 5nm Tortuga island
Womble catching us now the wind has freshened.
Good sailing 60 Apparent Port tack.
Settling into first evening. Crew asleep and will come on watch at 21.00. 
Probably have a small current with us atm. Should have some current with us most of the way to French Polenesia. 
Target 21 days or better to beat Stewart’s trip in 91! 

Wind died Eng on.
Eng off
Wind freshened to 14kts SE with a cloud

2nd June 22
00.20 Pos  01 18S 91 24W
Log 7817.0
Course 235
Wind SE 9.5
Vis Excellent 
Very clear sky full of stars. Good to be leaving the Galápagos climate behind.
Boat sailing well, reefed main and jib approx 60 apparent
Womble now ahead and South.
Another yacht to port and 10nm ahead

00.50 Shook out reef
01.30. Wind freshened put reef 1 in main
Creak developing in area aft maybe b/h around rudder. Need to investigate asap.

`Just emptied cockpit locker to crawl in and see what the noise is. Appears to be coming from the bottom rudder bearing. Possibly a jammed roller in the bearing.

03.10 Pos 01 25S 91 40W
Log 7834.6
Course 250
Wind SE 12
Vis V good
1 reef and jib

05.40 Eng On for charging 
Wind light

Pos 01 32S 91 55W
Log 7854
Course 245
Wind SE 9kts

07.00 Eng Off

Pos 01 41S 92 12W
Log 7876
Course 250
Wind SE12
Vis excellent 
Bright sunny day. Big difference to the climate at the Galápagos 
Just about to set Code 0 and shake reef out of main.

Had some email comms with Jefa regarding the rudder. They say the creak will likely be dirt in the lower bearing and not to worry!! Will have to drop the rudder in FP. 

Boat flying now in 12kts True. 7kts boat speed and 9kts app. 👍

Think the Code 0 will get some use this leg! 

Pos 01 46S 92 26W
Log 7894
Course 255
Wind SE 15
Excellent Vis and Blue sky
Distance run since departure 142.3nm
DTG 2819nm.
A good start
Glorious Sailing with Code 0 and Full main. 

Change Code 0 for Jib. Wind increased and there is a long way to go. Don’t need any breakages right now.

That is all for now. Will give you a more chatty log tomorrow :)

SY Saphir

Picture of first day at sea. Notice the different level of clothing between me and Doreen!! Note the new nets for the fruit and veg in the saloon. Donated by a fellow cruiser :)