Arrived in Gibraltar
Ostra on the ARC again in 2016
Ritchie Gatt
Sat 25 Oct 2014 20:32
Position: 36:08.92N 05:21.99W
Just arrived in Gibraltar after 34 hour passage from Cartagena. Had lots of sunshine, but not much wind.All going well. We've seen lots of dolphins and the odd whale, and for a short while, we were home to a song thrush.
Spent each of the last two mornings and lunchtimes taking sun sights with a sextant and working out our position with encouraging accuracy. The GPS is definitely right!
We were avid spectators to some naval exercises on our approach to Gibraltar which revolved around a submarine (which seems to have sunk).
We've a few days here while we sort out some sails and ships stores for the next leg to The Canaries. Plannning to leave on Tuesday.