ARC Day 17 - Its Not Over 'Till I Say Its Over - 15:40 N 54:58 W

Tue 7 Dec 2010 20:27
the finish when Mother Nature snaps us back to reality. Nature rules the day
out here and you better not ever forget it. We had a great night reaching in
good wind. Unfortunately none of us slept our usual amount as a series of
squalls challenged the boat and crew with many sail changes. Naturally all
of this invariably happens in the darkest hours of the night compounding the
We were all awake for a beautiful sunrise and were also greeted by two full
rainbows. They were a welcome sight as the fresh coffee percolated and we
re-arranged our shift schedule. Sleeping in the day time is almost
unrealistic as the heat is unbearable. Today we sailed wing to wing dead
down wind. Our course was directly at the way point as we averaged well over
8 knots of boat speed and VMG. We covered a lot of ground.
We are within 36 hours to the finish and are looking forward to securing the
boat, cleaning her up, and heading home to see our families.