ARC Day 16 - So You Wanna Be A Sailor? - 16:15 N 51:42 W

Mon 6 Dec 2010 18:06
noses its way through the crystal blue water. Beautiful sunsets that calmly
relax you for the night and sunrises you never see because you are sleeping
in. Calm relaxing dinners al fresco while the cool Caribbean wind adds
ambiance to a peaceful setting.
These are the words of optimists, poets, and advertising executives!
Here is the real deal. Beating up wind into 8 foot seas. Sleeping in a bunk
that is on a 20 degree angle. Eating your meals al fresco but having to hold
your drink between your feet and your food between your knees. The crew
slept a maximum of 5 hours at a time the last two weeks and that makes you a
little cranky. Add that to the significantly decreased personal hygiene
standards and the above descriptions don't apply here! Sure this boat will
someday see itself in a romantic setting that would make any novelist
envious, but she hasn't seen one on this trip.
We have learned a lot. I mean a lot. Ocean crossings are not easy and it is
a slow go no matter how you cut it. They are not for everyone. Our crew has
gotten along remarkably well and have really not shown any significant signs
of stress or frustration with the ocean, the boat, or each other. I commend
them all for that.
So you say you wanna be a sailor huh? Take a look at these shots and tell me
what you think then? The ugliest beard? Well it is not Senior as he has been
shaving everyday! We didn't realize it until it was too late. The rest of us
haven't seen a razor in 16 days and obviously need to re-introduce ourselves
to the art of personal hygiene.
All the best to all the families. Hello to my gang (Anji, Alex, Ian, Luke,
Marley, Mia, Emma, and Colors)! I miss you all and will see you soon.