Ready to leave the Azores

Moonstone of Aberdour
Allan and Claire Foster
Mon 8 Jul 2019 19:38
“38:43.715N 27:03.360W”
There appears to be a reasonable weather to head back to the UK and we are
planning to leave in the morning. We have been waiting here in Praia
for a part to repair our watermaker and when it arrived this afternoon it was
quickly installed to check it worked ok before a rush to the laundry and then
the market and shops to ready ourselves for this last long passage of our six
years of wanderings.
Friends on the sailing yacht Sophia left yesterday but they rang me on the
satphone this morning to say that they had been struck by lightning and they
were heading back to the Azores. Apparently the strike has taken ought
much of their electronics but at least they are safe.