Atlantic update - Leg 2, Day 2
Fri 23 Nov 2018 15:37
Day 2
Position - 16:18.26N 28:35.59W
2,030 miles to go
129 miles travelled in 24 hrs
6.8 knots per hour
Estimated date of arrival - Dec 6th
Sailing update.
As you can tell from the above numbers, our decision to head south to pick
up stronger winds looks to have paid off. We have had to travel further in
miles but hopefully will claw this back over the coming days.
The wind is a steady 20 to 25 knots but has reached 30 ! Our speed is
rarely below 7 and has reached over 9 - there's life in the old girl yet.
The downside to all of this is that our comfort levels have plummeted
drastically and we spend most of out time at an angle of 30 degrees and
bouncing off everything.
Fishing update
After the modest catch yesterday - which was delicious - the lure went
back into the water and we soon had a significantly bigger Mahi Mahi on
the line - at least 4 foot long. Sadly it managed to free itself from the
hook - this would all be very encouraging except for the fact that we
can't fish in the current sea conditions. Two steps forward and one back.
Sometime overnight a suicide flying fish managed to land on the boat.
Sadly we didn't notice until it was too late to put it back in the sea.
General update
Tea bags are already being rationed - 2 cups from each bag.
Other supplies seem ok but when, after yesterday's slow start, the
estimated crossing time went to 54 days (!!!) - there were some nervous
looks around the crew !
The fruit turning has escalated to fruit re-positioning and in the case of
the watermelon, sadly, but appropriately, it ended up in the water before
it was even tried.
Best wishes from the Atlantic.
For newcomers, previous video list :-
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