Sailing again

Imagine of Plymouth
Sun 9 Dec 2007 17:53
Approximately an hour after I send yesterdays blog
in stormy conditions and rain the wind died!! Literally. It went from 25-30
knots to nothing. We just could not believe it. We tried with the spinnnaker but
it wrapped itself almost around the forestay so we where forced to strat the
engine as with the swell which was still running we lost steerage. Only thinking
it was a temporary lull in the wind it became and 15 hour motoring session
throughout the night. At least we where able to have dinner on plates, showers
without causing any bruises and sleep!!!
Early morning arrived and the wind set in with 10
knots. Out came the genoa and started cruising at 6 knots. What a relief!
Motoring is not fun when you only want to sail.
Everybody had a bit of a lay in as it was sunday
moring and various types of breakfast were prepared. Unfortunately no Sunday
papers delivered............
Rather than downwind sailing we where close hauled
going towards St Lucia. Normally you would be running with trade winds but all
we can see is squalls. However the wind moved aft enough to hoist the spinnaker
but this created so much apprant wind that we had to bear away a little which is
not what we wanted to do. So yet another change to a cruising chute. This we had
up for at least 4 hours making approx 7-8 knots. We had a rendevous with a
French crew on a catamaran who took lots of pictures! Great fun with lots of
waving and chatter over the VHF. They where off to Martinique delivering a
Lagoon to its new owners.
Wind has now increased to 14-15 knots which was not
on the weather maps but good for us. Cruising chute has come down again and
genoa out making 7.6 knots over the ground. Latest report is that we are 45th
overall. At 1747 UTC we had 352 miles to go so hopefully make landfall in St
Lucia on Teusday. Chris wants to get there on Teusday morning so we make it in
15 days but that would mean an average speed 7.3 knots which is pretty high for
this boat. Anyway the crew will do their best!!
Chris is on cooking duty and started making a curry
this morning, we had spanish omelletes for lunch and look forward to this
A fishing line is again going over the side so we
will be slowed down a bit which does not have everybodies vote but some people
fancy fresh fish.
Crew of Imagine of