Sunday blog

Imagine of Plymouth
Sun 2 Dec 2007 15:13
Good afternoom to you all from
the mighty sailing ship Imagine of plymouth. We had an uneventfull night sailing
doing nice averages. We spotted onr yacht which we followed for a while but
when we got close the headed for Africa. They probably thought we where
Anyway seeing something was a big bonus for Robert
we can still not believe how much water there is and that we have only sailed
1200 miles out of the 2700 (that is if you can sail in a direct
We where all hoping to get the Sunday papers and
relax but no newsagents to be found in the middle of the Atlantic we are
all coming up with our own life stories. You get to know the people you are
sailing with this way!! Apart from Mark who has got a long way into his book the
rest of us have only read a few pages. Everything you do is on go slow as it is
also a major effort. The platform constantly moves. If you want a shower (a we
have the luxury so why not) you really have to brace yourselve so that you do
not smack your face into the wall. Get dressed means that you have to wedge
yourself between the various walls so you do not tumble from one side of the
bopat to the others waking up the others. In the gally you have to be really
carefull especially with hot water and knives who have the tendency to take off
without warning. Robert and Chris are still struggling a little in galley as
temperature and the rolling a round can make you feel a bit sick. Again if you
ever consider going across the pond cook lots of nice meals (NOT M&S
Specials or Morrisons Best) and freeze it, it is absulutely great and
we all look forward to meal times.
I think everybody finally had a decent nights
sleep, I myself had 4 hours!!
This morning we have tried again to download
whether files as the ARC weather forecast is a bit sketchy to say the least and
we want more detail to get ahead. Anyway we do not have it so we just look over
the horizon, watch the barometer and stay on the rumb line.
Big decision of the day was to put the spinnaker up
yes or no. We got everything ready including swapping halyards as some are
wearing through but than a squall came in again and we scuppered that plan.
Sunday afterall. Arthur, Chris and Robert went for a nap. Mark reorganised the
galley and Rudy stayed on watch. Whilst reading notced the air getting colder
and where quickly hit by a squall. Not to windy and it gave the boat a nice
wash. All crew bar Rudy decided to watch proceedings from inside and some even
went to takle a shower!!
We have a fried breakfast for lunch, this time we
are on reach so not to much rolling and your plate of food did not want to shoot
off to the person opposite you.
At the moment we are power reaching which is very
nice and comfortable. Might watch a movie later on. Everybody has had showers so
we are ready for the evenings entertainment. Generator is running again, it
appears we only have for approx 8 hours of battery life in every 24 hours which
is horrendously low. It is a not a major because of the generator but it would
be nice if we only had to run it for 4-6 hours which is what is normal.
Thats all for now. Watching the wind carefully, as
soon as it drops around 15 knots the asymetric will go up.
Present position 20 55 08 N and 035 08 90 W
Wind speed 17-18 knots from 120
degrees outside temp approx 26 and barometer 1023 millibars
Chris is planning to make Sunday Roast and Mark,
Arthur and Rudy will watch closely wheter his body will be able to
Have a nice day from the crew of