21:14.579N 86:44.447W Isla Mujeres

Tuesday 29 I had been sitting still for a couple of hours and decided to leave and go straight to Isla Mujeres with the extra hours rather than stop at Puerto Morales and then finish on Wednesday. The E, ESE winds were supposed to hold until the Norther started on Thursday, but if it started early I would be seriously struggling. 10pm I left and it was great conditions, motor sailing up the protected side of Cozumel, with the current I clocked 8.2 knots speed over the ground. I was wondering what the wind would be like when I got to the top of the island and I didn’t have long to wait. I was hit by a big squall and struggled to get the sails down fast. The current and wind took me on course for hours still at 5 to 6 knots with no sail or only half the genoa out and did not contemplate the main until it was light. By 2am I was off Puerto Morales, which meant I could have done the 30 miles and been in within 5 to 6 hours. With other conditions I would have been worrying whether I would have been able to make it as a daylight trip. I carried on and cruise ships were coming down the coast continuously. The favourable conditions held and I was just outside Isla Mujeres at 830 when the cruisers net is on and was able to check in as a new arrival. Purrfect One checked in as a departing boat and I was not able to meet up with them, but good to hear them. David and Terri on Sylvester are in Marina Paraiso and I am going there. There are no side docks, so I chose to reverse in so that I can get off the back. Surprisingly I managed this first attempt and by 10am was tied up and ready to start formalities. Chepo dealt with all the paperwork and contacted the 4 authorities; port captain, immigration, customs and health. Three other boats also came in this morning and the officials came to the office quickly. The Health person came to check the boat which was no problem, but the other 3 did not come. After several hours Chepo came to say that it was done, there would be no boat inspections. I went shopping with Terri and David to the new supermarket which is very well stocked. I was very tired and struggling to keep going and when we got back to the marina I fell into a planter and decided it was time to go and lie down until tomorrow. |