4/8/10 - 12.00 UTC - 16.56.6S 177.22.1E
Flying Cloud
Julian Nichols
Wed 4 Aug 2010 22:21
The land on the other side of the peninsula is owned by Clara and her husband Suvieto. No need for Sevu Sevu, but a definite need to ask permission and respect their wonderful place.
We were treated not only to an exciting snorkel, but also a beautiful Lion Fish.
Having snorkeld the site Clara told us that the wreck was caused by the "US showing off". Apparently 3 planes had been doing a low-level display and this one caught its tail on a coconut tree! The pilot survived.
On the way back we climbed the peak through the bush to take some FC photos, and then bumped into more locals offering coconuts. In return I gave them a couple of litres of Premix.
We upped anchor again and headed for the Blue Lagoon, Nanuya-Sewa.
Amongst the anchored boats were Canela and Bossa Nova.......