Noonday report - 17-1-09 - 31.24.00N 13.01.00W

Flying Cloud
Julian Nichols
Sat 17 Jan 2009 11:42
The goodship Flying Cloud continues apace.
Record speedholder remains Mr D Williams at 20.9knts! (unitentionally of course)
Had a lovely Salmon bake for dinner, thanks Jenny, this time the crew refrained from movies so there was a 100% retention rate.
AL & Jules passed a ship at 9pm, on a lovely starry watch.
No rain last night, clear sky and spirits were high - reefs went in and out, headsails changed, and the nightly speedrecord was set at 19knts
Today has been a bit more eventful, with the spinnaker going up at 10.00am - along with the retrival line, leading to us puzzling over how we would get it down. The puzzle solved itself 1 hr later when the halyard broke - sending the lovely pink sail down into the water. A cry of all hands on deck was sufficient to solve the situation - with everyone assisting in their own way (Jon by showering).
New halyard no up the mast following much cursing, and now ready to relaunch following an excellent greasy brunch.
Lots of dolphins today - but no great photos!
Position: 31.24 N 13.01 W (ie: 233 miles from destination)
Speed: 9knts
Wind: F6 NNE
Weather: Sunny and getting warmer
ETA: Sunday lunch / early afternoon
With love from the crew of FC