17/4/09 - 14.05.2N 60.57.6W

Flying Cloud
Julian Nichols
Fri 17 Apr 2009 19:17
In the morning we (Matt) moved the boat around to Marin, in order to meet with one of Matt's many contacts to discuss installing additional water-making power and the hasty fitting a new generator (the 3rd in just over 2 years!!). After a lot of French it seems that we can get what we need - and by some miracle it can be shipped from Europe and fitted in a little over a week! Hopefully our departure date for Panama won't move too much.

Whilst Matt got some more fuel, Jenny and I motored the boat around to a beach where we tucked into some excellent swimming followed by lunch.

And then finally we were off on our last leg of this voyage - a quick sail across to our spiritual home of Rodney Bay, in St Lucia.

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To say Ella was excited was an understatement - as she enjoyed the sail and her second donut (the first having been lost to the sea).

As we neared St Lucia, Blue Beard made his last appearance for this trip - and sailed off into the distance. Captain Jenither (Ella) and First Mate Tilly (Daisy) instructed Possee (me) and Cabiner Jenny (Jenny) to let him escape till next time.....

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