Sailing Around the BVI
Tue 31 Jan 2017 15:08
We have been having an absolute blast. Clare flew out to join us for 10 days on the 6th January, so we took the time prior to her visit to do a bit of a whistle stop tour of the Islands, with James pointing out his favorite places from last year whilst here with Fiona his sister and the two Simons,'boys on tour, say no more'.
Tortola, Cane Garden Bay 18:25.65N 64:40.20W
Beautiful, long sandy beach lined with restaurants, bars and a small provisioning store, ($5 for an avocado mind you). Our first evening here there was quite a swell rolling in which was breaking just off the reef and although making conditions quite rolly for a few yachts it was far enough from us to worry about. We went ashore and enjoyed happy hour at Quinto's whilst watching the sunset, the colour of the sky was stunning and the beach was still a hive of activity until well after sun set. We came back onboard for dinner and still it was quite rolly. In the middle of the night we had an almighty crash and realised we had had a breaking wave on our stern which had rolled the dingy, and hit the outboard motor on the stern cracking the casing. Unfortunately our dingy anchor, chain, padlock and my glitzy flip flops where now on the bottom of the ocean and worse still water had got into the equipment room hatch and sizzled our inverter. No charging of the Dyson, sea doo, laptops or Nutribullet/cocktail maker....we were practically living like animals! Lol
Never fear, 5 days later we were back at the bay with Clare,James emerged like Mr Ben from the lazarette in full diving gear, we set off in the dingy using the iPad wiith our previous mooring position. James retrieved the chain and anchor.....of course he did!
James enjoyed quite a few SUPs around the bay and we saw the most turtles out of anywhere else we have been so far. James also saw a dolphin and her calf enjoying a frolic in the evening surf, she was tossing it up and out of the water.
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