Help - we're sinking!
Not really, but it feels like it. We bought the new boat (not disclosing her name yet as we haven’t decided whether to change it) in a ‘where is, as is’ condition as the owner has gone to work in Saudi Arabia and will not be returning. So we inherited everything from the bedding to his tools, outdoor jacket and toothbrush. There have only been 2 owners in the 25 year life of the boat and they were clearly both obsessive hoarders. Every time something was replaced the old kit was stowed below, so every inch of locker space is filled with carrier bags of ‘stuff’, some new, some useful and some rubbish. On top of that we’ve moved from a 40’ foot to a 32’ with everything we brought out for a mammoth Atlantic crossing and 10 months living away from home. The pile of stuff on the jetty can be imagined and now it’s all crammed into this tiny space. |