Gibraltar here we come
We finally get lifted out of the water on Tuesday so if you’ve been wondering what Deep Blue looks like below the waterline, the photos show the answer. Happily, she gets a clean bill of health apart from some tightening of rudder bits and by Wednesday lunchtime we’re back in the water and heading for Gibraltar. We’re going straight to Gibraltar, some 240NM, as we’re now several days behind schedule and have a berth reserved, which will still have to be paid for. The sun is warm, the sky is blue and there’s not a scrap of wind so once again we resort to the engine and enjoy the glassy smooth sea state. There are dolphins galore during Thursday – I wonder if they come into the Med for the winter, as 50 or more pass us during the afternoon. Most ignore us as if they’re on a mission but some come over to the boat and dive underneath before heading back to the main group. I vainly try to take a photo but best-guessing where they might surface proves impossible so we just sit and enjoy the spectacle. (At long last I’ve found the camera lead so should be able to add photos from now on.) |