39 35 719N 38 64 649W - 18 June
Sun 18 Jun 2006 19:52
We have now been underway for just over 8 days and covered 164 miles over
the last 24 hours. Last night we motored for a few hours and then the wind
filled in from the NW, gradually veering around to the NNE, where it is
now. We have a force 4 and are close hauled, going into a medium
sea. We have around a knot of current against us.
As things go, we seem likely to arrive in Flores within the next two
days. We are looking forward to meeting Blase in Flores as they are
heading there currently, from Horta.
Last night Alice had been asleap in the forecabin, and came up into
the cockpit saying she could hear the squeaking of dolphins playing at
the bow of the boat. We went up onto the foredeck and sure
enough there were eight or so in the water in front of the boat. They also
came to the boat later in the night, leaving trails of phosphoresence in the
water like vapour trails behind them as they streaked along. We woke Pip
up to see this as she had not yet seen them at night, and she stayed up for part
of Juliet's night watch, which she thought was very exciting.
Still no fish.