Petit St Vincent - 15 January
Mon 16 Jan 2006 00:55
Yesterday we left Tobago Cays and headed for Union
Island, where we stayed the night and did some shopping.
Clifton Town, Union Island, from the
One of the docks on Union Island (the
hut on the left sells bread, croissants etc)
While in Clifton we found some fish kites, and I
managed to fulfill my promise to Pip to replace her fish kite that was lost
(from the backstay) in the 50 knot thunderstorm we sailed through between
Menorca and Majorca. She was over the moon about this.
New fish kite, flying from
The sail across to Petit St Vincent took only
around and hour, and we went the long way (avoiding "Crazy Corrigan's Crooked
Passage" which we thought looked a bit narrow, with rocks either side.)
There is a massive reef protecting the anchorage here but it is still a bit
rolly. The weather has now improved - the unsettled patch (which had
apparently affected the entire Caribbean for the last week or so) seems to have
passed, which is good news. PSV is really beautiful and tiny; all that is
here is a very exclusive hotel. We made the mistake of sitting
on some sun loungers and a hammock on a remote part of the
beach - somehow they knew we were there and came along in a Mini Moke
to let us know that these were only for the hotel guests. We wondered -
how did they know we weren't hotel guests?!!!
The forbidden hammock
PSV - Keoma is anchored just off this
Tomorrow we will sail onwards to