On Passage to Bermuda - 21 May

Sun 21 May 2006 22:13
After several hours of final jobs, we finally set sail at midday today.  The blue skies we had to start with have now given way to overcast cloud but we are making good progress, currently averaging between 7 and 8 knots with the wind on the beam.
Pip, Alice and Geoff with St Maarten in the background
Earlier we caught a very large barracuda:
We threw it back - Charlie was a bit nervous about removing the hook as the teeth were awesome.
Looking at the GPS, we have around 840 miles to go to Bermuda.  Charlie is hopeful it will take 6 days, Geoff thinks 6.5.  I, Juliet, am not so confident about the wind holding out, so think we may be nearer 7 days at sea.
Alice and Pip started the "Passage Boredom Pack" given to them by the girls on Kosh Long, which kept us all entertained for half an hour or so.  We did OK on the first challenge, a Caribbean quiz, and are looking forward to tomorrow's activities.
We are currently passing a small island called Sombrero.  It is around 5 miles to Leeward.  The island seems to have nothing but a large building that looks like a big power station!  It is probably the last land we will see for nearly a week.