Last Day

Jim & Christine Lister
Tue 7 Jun 2011 01:57
We had a bit of a bumpy night due to trying to head south and were disappointed by morning that we hadn't made the progress we'd hoped for but we have continued to press south and although it was not comfortable conditions have improved and now at 4.30pm we are 9.25S so we should be able to turn again so that we have a comfortable night and it looks like we will need to reef in a bit to slow down or else it will be our usual and be arriving in the dark.
I've made bread today and re stocked the ginger biscuits as we've eaten the other lot. Having pigged out on new bread we now feel stuffed and don't feel like the fish pie that we had planned to have. Looks like it could be early when we get in and we have some fresh tuna waiting for us as Glen caught one yesterday, so we can swop for some of our Mahi Mahi. We are fishing again today although small freezer is full as we are sure we will be able to find eager bellies for anything we catch.
Of course getting to land tomorrow is very nice but the down side is that I've a pile of washing to do, goodness knows where it comes from as I haven't worn anything other than a kaftan in an evening, so another downer is that tomorrow I will have to find clothes and then will have to wear shoes! We have 60 miles to go to the anchorage and Jim is at this moment in the sail locker puffing and grnting trying to get the chain and warp out for our stern anchor, where is it? Right as the bottom! Oh! and just as he has everything out in the cockpit -what else but the fishing line has just screamed off and there is not a thing I can do to help as I can't get out.
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