
Jim & Christine Lister
Wed 2 Nov 2011 22:17
Arrived in the morning and anchored at 16.42.74S,
Mambo had raced on overnight and were already
settled they had caught 2 Yellow Fin Tuna just as they had got to the entry. Jim
had the job of slicing and dicing one of them for Pat and Glen and us, Mambo
having kept one for themselves. Sylvia has got the nack of preseving fish in
jars, so I will get the know how from her and give it a try. Pat and Glen
arrived shortly after we had settled but came in a different entrance so we
couldn't see them. Glen blamed his old charts!
The boat Doctor (Glen) arrived on our boat to take
the ram apart and fix it, after much cussing and swearing and a few lost ball
bearings all seemed to be well.
The Birthday bash was organised between us and hosted on Mambo as they have
the most room and were going to cook curried Tuna, I made the cake, no
Ding arrived just as we had finished eating but we had saved him some grub.
He brought Sylvia and I a bottle of NZ wine each, it was the only present I had
but Sylvia had had a pearl ring from Heinz her husband.
I saved the wine and had it at a later date, it was really good, so am
looking forward to NZ.
More dingy problems a piece to do with the choke broke. On other outboards
the piece is mettle on ours it was cheap plastic. Glen tried glueing it, didn't
work for long. Jim made up a plate using plastic but it didn't stick well. We
needed a piece making and it said in the cruising guide that things could be
got/repaired on Raitea.
Left Huahine on 21 Aug for Raitea