
Jim & Christine Lister
Mon 16 May 2011 16:44
Our position at 8.00am local time was 01.21.37S 91.53.90W COG 250 SOG 5+ Wind 12k from the South. We set off from Wreck Bay in 20k of wind at around 8.00am. It took a while to get the anchor up as it was green! Jim washed it off as it came up to stop the anchor locker smelling. Seas were rough coming out and I was feeling rather sick despite the sea sick pills we'd both taken earlier. But it did smooth out a bit and we had 17k -20k wind and so were sailing along at 6k+. We had clouds and rain but at least this gave us bursts of wind and we hit 7k at times. Night was ok although we are rolling more at times like now and less at others which was mostly during the night. Jim did not fish as it was rough. Spoke to Northern Rose at 7.00pm and they had caught a Mahi Mahi so fridge is full and so is their cat!
Jim fishing today although there is not much room in the fridge. We ran engine last night for power but we have generator on today strapped near mast. We've now passed the islands so have switched off the sailing instruments. We had one reef in main yesterday and 2 in genoa. Today we have left reef in main as its rough and faffing with turning into the wind etc. would be a pain but all genoa is out. We saw a ray at about 8.00am.

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