09:30:82N 78:36.96 San Blas Islands

Paul & Trish Ducker
Sat 9 Feb 2013 14:27
island, land of the Kuna Indians! Both uninhabited and inhabited desert
islands, palm tree's, golden sands, hammocks, happy smiley Indians, simply
All that following a bloody hard sail from Cartagena with 4-6m ways on the
stern quarter pushing us around, but at least the winds weren't too rough
and Tish managed to get a few hours sleep while I sorted a bit of work!
So arrived in Porvenir, mooring just off the end of the landing strip - just
as well as hour later helicopter arrived 20-30 feet off our mast! Funny
little island with customs & immigration, 2 restaurants (but only if they
have food in) a Kuna Indian museum and a couple of huts that they have
labelled as hotels! Really chilled place and managed to catch-up with other
OWR yachts, including Spent, Pearl of Persia, Protius, Sotto Vento and
Yantina, for which we pre-booked a meal for 21 of us in the restaurant,
comprising a choice of some sort of nuked/mutated local fish or breaded
chicken (but not sure I recognised the bones though, so could have been
anything), irrespective nice meal and super company, though an earlyish
night as other yachts were moving on to Portobella.
Tish entertained us doing the splits between the pontoon and baby Babe (the
tender) in Porvenir, ending up in the drink and trying scrambled back onto
the pontoon! What was more funny was us (me, Andrew & Susanne) trying
frantically to pull her up before realising the sea was only 3 foot deep, so
would have been quicker/easier for her to walk up the beach and get back
into the tender. Shame no photo's!
Not us - were here till Monday, trying to pick-out the most beautiful
island...... so onto the photos (only a few, soz, until we get decent
bandwidth in Shelter bay at top of Panama Canal):
a) Porvenir general shot
b) Lazy days
c) Locals on nearby island
d) Our setting in Coco Banderos - view from front of yacht
e) Our setting in Coco Banderos - view from rear of yacht
OK time to go - getting some snorkelling in, prior to yet another
multi-yacht get together (Babe, Dreams come True, Wolfhound) - boy it's a
hard life!!
More soon
Paul & Trish