11:26.80N 74:17.39W - Columbian Coast

Paul & Trish Ducker
Thu 31 Jan 2013 23:30
Ok so left our second paradise find Bonaire for a 3 day sail to Cartagena
Columbia, I'd have been happy to stay for a few more days, not a fan of long
sails with just the two of us (missing our partners in sail :) hehe, Kev
your skills are being missed) to much like hard work. Leaving Bonaire shows
how beautiful the island is, it was dark when we arrived and the only
greeting we got was a security guard at the marina whose only response to my
question of where is A25 (our berth) was to flash his touch at me, not very
helpful but the rest of our stay was lovely and very lively even managed a
typical Ducker party on board (whose needs a party house)
Some photos attached of the beach at the Harbour Village Marine where we
stayed (as in on Babe) we haven't found Captain Jack Sprat yet but we did
come across the Black Pearl (disappointed or what) - did see a Keira
lookalike though!
Day 1 of our sail was very rolly big seas and big winds which meant we had
good speed but not on the course we wanted, bit calmer overnight so settled
down at sunset (photo) for dinner (steak & onions) and watch Deja Vu
(really strange film) got 5 hours kip , bliss, managed to get a gorgeous
sunrise this morning (photo)
Day 2 high seas, but sea pushing against us so not really going anywhere
fast (is this blooming trip ever going to end I hear myself asking (shouting
:)) then 30knots of wind, massive wave, black sky's, change sails Paul in
haven, me at this point I crave Derby and PDS!!!! Then oh shit problem with
the horn half way up mast, Trish you're gonna have to winch me up (where's
the passenger ships when you need them or Kev either will do) up we went on
deck hanging on for dear life and up he goes (very slowly) nearly there and
STOP STOP GET ME DOWN downward he comes although nearly upside down(oops)
down he comes sorts the issue & off we go again all the way up sorts his
horn down he comes (right way) I breath a big sigh of relief
Sails adjusted & can see light at the end of the tunnel with any luck should
be in Cartagena mid-afternoon (or maybe not)
Love and miss you all.
Special love and hugs to Lela, Ed. Jude and Kady wish we were there to give
you all the hugs you need.