08:22S 11605E Komodo to Gili Aer, Lombok

Paul & Trish Ducker
Thu 3 Oct 2013 05:25
Flores we found a town on the chart to the South of Flores called 'Lela'
spelt exactly like that! Apparently it's a little sleepy fishing village
with an old infamous Portuguese church! Unfortunately didn't really have
time to stop off as need to be in Bali for 10th Oct for checking out of
Anyway onto the trip from Komodo to Gili Aer. So left the anchorage in Gili
Lawa Laut to run along the top of Sumbawa and over to Gili Aer at the North
West corner of Lombok - apparently it's THE place where travellers in the
know are now going in preference to Bali.. More about that later.
So the run across the top was another 2 day jaunt, this time a direct run to
arrive in the morning and get a good spot (reports from the yachts further
ahead saying the anchorage is a little tight and windy). North coast very
spectacular, although not so many volcano's as along the top of Flores.
So eventually we (Trish, me, Kady & Nelius) roll-up at the small island of
Gili Aer, which is one of 3 Gili isles of the NW of Lombok. Of the 3 Gili's
this one supposed to retain the local feel, whilst having some reasonable
beach-front restaurants, no flippin resorts, an ATM and the occasional full
/ dark moon party - yippee!!
Anyway flipping Anchorage was a right stress - nestled between 3 reefs,
Yantina in first, anchor holds right away - took us 3 times to get a hold
and then a little close to the reefs, but safe, even though there was a good
15kt breeze on us. Irrespective all seemed settled and way a fantastic view
/ looking place - you've just got to see the photos, but even they don't do
it justice.
All secure & off we went ashore, place looked even better, with a narrow
sand track main road (um single file and the only traffic allowed are
brightly coloured local horse and carriages - brilliant) running between
walk-through beachfront restaurants and (very smart looking) hostels and
small hotels, with lots of road-side cooking and chilled bars a plenty -
wicked, took us ages to walk just a few 100 metres!
So ashore we booked the best (reportedly) restaurant for a group (x15) of
us, that eventually grew into about 25 - great food and yacht banter + few
new introductions with new folk joining for a few legs. After dinner and
plenty of lubrication we went onto the bar next door which had a live reggae
band for a bit of on-beach dancing with the locals and a few other
holidaymakers that had escaped the norm. Brilliant night, one of 4 here [we
originally only intended to stay a couple of nights, but was obviously that
this was the place to be in preference to a week in Bali so no worries]. The
Dark moon party on the 4th night also persuaded us to stay a little longer
(or was it Kady's nagging?).
Kady convinced herself to have a Marquisian type Tattoo, to which we
insisted she didn't and waited till she ever got there. Irrespective she
booked an appointment and decided not to turn-up to which the Tatt shop
keeper wasn't very happy!
Place also had excellent diving sites, a great one just 50m form the yacht,
so following Alan of Sulana losing his prescription goggles a few of us
agreed to help go diving to find them, which surprisingly Alan did, so had a
good look around with turtles, scorpion fish and a great range of other sea
life - hadn't been diving since Galapagos, so was fantastic to get back
under the water again!
Following a walk around the island got back to the tender to find a stream
of local running with buckets from the sea to put out a straw topped cabana
which apparently had caught fire from a cig tossed from the adjacent
building - oh dear! Had visions of Baker Street incident and the whole of
the generally wooden buildings along the sea being burnt down! Fortunately
the local got it under control, with the only stressed looking person being
the owner, the rest of the helpers smiling and looking like they were having
a fun time!
So anyone looking for a special chilled out holiday, with reasonable
accommodation and a charming atmosphere then would definitely recommend Gili
Aer, even in preference to Bali, or do as we did and do them both - for
which Bali is the next blog!
a) Beautiful beach front on the approach to Gili Aer
b) Gorgeous Anchorage
c) Busy main street
d) Lounging round after a few
e) Beach chill-out
f) Group of us helping dive for Alan's goggles
g) Great view from a beach bar
h) Giving Purusia a helping hand with a wrapped anchor line
i) Oops cabana on fire