Avocet's Adventures Around the World
Derry Ryder
Sat 23 Nov 2013 12:32
blog 2 from avocet.....left cascais 3.00 pm friday22/nov
poor winds sat midday 37.09418n10.36,334 w.crew recovering from cascais should
be well by canaries presently motoring .weather getting warmer 20 degrees.
We arrived in cascais last sunday after 6 days and 2 hours
of sailing. First thing we noticed was that everyone is as brown as a nut, they
obviously get more sun than us and it shows in their cheerful demeanour. The
marina was quiet pleasant, and we swaggered up to the nearest place to eat, food
was amazing well priced and the peole are nice. All that considered, John
pointed out from our later experiences the people in the hospitality industry
there seem to be on some different scheme
alltogether.....................and then I got sick again I'll have to finish
this later.