vocet south africa

Avocet's Adventures Around the World
Derry Ryder
Thu 18 Dec 2008 08:34
here we are in capetown 26 days 12hours from
salvador 3350 nautical miles as crow flies much more sailing
first 5 days good winds then3 days no wind then3
days very strong south east winds lost the vane of our wind steering
machine.thenfour days very light to no wind then five good wind days then no
wind until day 24 then strong southerly until in did 300 miles in36
hours on reaching soldahna bay in17 to20 knot winds we were suddenly hit by 45
knot winds gusting to 55 made landing interesting when we got sails down we were
still doing 6.5 knots under bare poles. we had one good day tuna fishing
on the voyage with 13 tuna caught only 2 kept rest realesed we had some
fantastic encounters with whales including one sei whale who repeatedly came to
within feet of the boat it was about50 foot long redo of fridge in salvador
worked well and all food stayed frozen no sail problems this trip the crew other
than dq and qr are leaving and we need to aquire more will update later