16:32.8N 028:05.62W

Tue 6 Dec 2011 22:16
So....now it is calmer weather I can write a bit easier.
The other night as we left Cape Verde was challenging. It wasn't bad weather
just awkward wave action which just kept hitting us on our beam making us roll
back and forth. This makes cooking a problem. We have a gimble on our cooker but
when it's like that it's easier to hold the thing still because it builds up
momentum and just throws boiling water/stew all over you. Just as Gareth
was about to put the fried onions, garlic and bacon into the mix a wave hit and
it went everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Hot olive oil fucking
everywhere. It's hilarious when you look back at it but at the time it is a
sweaty fucking nightmare. Truly horrible. At one point Gareth is going from side
to side skidding around holding on for dear life sweating like a racehorse
shouting 'it's like a fucking ice rink down here'. Just at that point the kettle
goes and pours boiling water over him and me, who stepped into help. Then, out
of the abyss comes Dickon slipping down two sets of steps ending up on the
galley floor like a crumpled skeleton, jumps up again and then slips back over.
Meanwhile George is busy getting bath tubs of water thrown all over him. It is
one of those 'you had to be there' moments but shit it was fucking funny. The
image of a crumpled Dickon springing back up and Gareth slipping back and forth
holding various hot objects will stay with me for a long time.
We put the rods out again today and had 3 enormous fish
just bite the lures off. There are some big things out here! If one does hold we
have to go to windward and put the boat in reverse to have any chance of
catching them but it is getting close. Dickons job is to grab the fish with a
gaff, which is a large hook. His reply to being given this job is to ask, in a
way of confirmation 'So I grab it from this side of the boat or the other if it
kicks off'. I'm sure he has been on the boat for mmmmm.... 67 days now and I'm
pretty sure the boat has only two fucking sides!!!
The weather is beautiful and getting hotter each day. We
have to literally put sun protection on Dickon, otherwise I am sure he would
just use olive oil. He will look like a battered bit of leather when this
journey ends but what you gonna do. We are averaging six and a half knots, we
have loads of fuel and are looking at an ETA of the 17th at the latest. This is
bliss and we cannot wait to get there.
OK, shout out to Rhian, Gary, Jamie John, and Ruby Rose.
P.S Sorry Gary but Gareth has asked me to inform you he
has just got 664 on Fruit Ninja on the arcade version. Oldskool