Ambler Isle
V and S
Sun 6 Feb 2011 12:01
Things have changed for the cruisers in the
Bahamas. In 2000, there was no internet connection. Using Pocket
Mail we wrote emails, went to a pay phone and dialed up a special number to
transmit our letters. Most pay phones did not work. When they did,
it was $1.49 per minute to call the USA. So we did not use it much.
In subsequent years a few internet cafes appeared. For a steep fee one
could use their computer to get online. So we did not use our computer
much. Mostly we beach combed, snorkeled, fished, relaxed, caught up
on a few good books. Then in 2006, we entered Elizabeth Harbour
in Georgetown, Exuma. Noting many boats in the harbour closest to the
settlement, we assumed there much be some event going on. But, no.
There was nothing happening in the settlement. The boats were
anchored here to better suck up the new wi-fi service. Now, we
consider the Bahamas to be our very own paradise. But even in
paradise some places are better than others. And the anchorage by the
settlement is not one of those better places. The water in not as
nice. There is constant traffic, and therefore wake. It is a small
anchorage and the boats are too close together. There is no beach.
No sunset vista. The only thing to recommend it is the wi-fi. The
new generation of cruisers don't play much anymore. If they cannot crowd
into that bad anchorage, they brave the wind and waves in pitifully inadequate
dinghies to take their laptops ashore. Soaking wet, usually standing up in
their boats to stay a bit drier, they tromp ashore in search of the magical
elixir called the INTERNET. Yes, we enjoy staying in touch with emails,
and must collect a weather report every few days. But we refuse to be tied
to this machine. We have reefs to dive. Shells to collect.
Fish and lobster to spear. We take our sunset dinghy cruise and visit with
our neighbors. We blow our conch horns. We go into the settlement to
see old friends there. We work on the boat. Otherwise, we might
just as well stay home.