
Yellsound of Lerwick
stuart and linda byron
Mon 31 Aug 2009 09:12
Beautiful Saturday afternoon in 24 degrees with little offshore breeze.    Only us plus Sammy on board as Mike and Suzy took their leave this morning to return to London life and their new challenges.  Great to have them on board and for yellsound, a special treat as she has had some tender care from Mike.  Had Alternator probelems on the journey from Cork, but the local chandlery in Morgat has been superb. Alternator to them on Thursday at 7pm,  into Lucas at Brest next morning and back fitted this afternoon .
Weather looks good for next few days with light winds and but with heavy swell off  La Corunna makes the journey with three crew too demanding so will be spending the remainder of sam's time with us  here in Brittany with a crew round the headlandes to Camaret to sample more of the  Brittany life with the Baquettes,Croissants and Crepes being consumed in quantity.
au revoir for now  
S and L