Wednesday 9th Jube

Wed 9 Jun 2010 12:26
Position today at 1200UTC is 45 09.4N  30 44.0W
The 30W line of longitude seems to have been a hard one to get past.  But the wind has veered into the NW, so we've raced past it with ease and are busy heading for the next landmark (seamark?) which is 36W.  That is when I can turn the chart over and will have the USA before me on the chart table.  Not quite halfway, which is 37.5W, and nowhere near the point of no return which is when he USA will be closer than the Azores.  The warm sunny climes of these lovely islands lay three days sail to the south, a siren beckoning on the horizon with promise of sunshine (it's foggy here at the moment), cold beer, calm seas and a lavatory that doesn't offer a roller coaster ride every visit.  Get thee behind me temptation....I celebrated crossing 30W with a good breakfast of scrambled egg on toast so I shall have to plan something for 36W.  I have a parcel aboard marked 'For Halfway' so that bit's catered for.
The big sea that's been running the last few days has gone down a bit, and I've cracked the sheets a bit, so the motion aboard is a little easier.  Judging by the barometer steadily rising, I'm about to sail into the Azores high and probably a calm, but at least I shall be able to dry things out.  The fog is making everything very clammy, but I suppose it's good practice for later on nearer the States where fog is more prevalent.