Another Planet

Niord's Big Adventure
Tony Gratton
Fri 28 Jul 2023 19:01
Friday 28/07/2023 Cascais
After much discussion last night, we decide there's no way either of us is ready for a twelve to fourteen hour trip down to Sines, so we stay put. After a latish start we hike to the marina office, which takes a good 20 minutes to pay for another day. Karen still feels ill, and we come to the conclusion that she is having side effects from the antibiotics, and this together with her ear infection is contributing to her seasickness (together with the F7s and the swell!). Tony has a delightful breakfast while Karen forces something down. Back on board, Tony carries on with the chores while Karen gets some more sleep. She wakes up mid-afternoon, and we go for a stroll in town. Tony has a beer, then we both get an ice-cream. It feels hot for the first time on the trip. Those 190 miles have made a big difference. In town we're back in the land of English breakfasts, and we hear much more English spoken. The marina is expensive but classy with lots of expensive shops, nice restaurants and bars. It's also very noisy into the small hours, but we were too tired to care. Cascais is a world away from Povoa in every sense. We revel in it.
We've decided to head for Sines tomorrow, despite the fact that a group of five Orcas lie in our way. We will have to hug the coast again, and this adds 50% to the journey, but we can't take the risk.
Out for dinner shortly, then an early night. We have to be up at 5 in the morning to make as much use of the daylight as possible.