22:19.6N 19:18.4W Where is the wind?

Niord's Big Adventure
Tony Gratton
Tue 5 Dec 2023 17:51
Tue 21 - Wed 22/11/2023 Atlantic Day 3 (Days run from 1200 to 1200 UTC)
Distance run in 24h 133.8 nm. Atlantic distance 425.6 nm. Total distance to date 2355.6 nm.
The trip down to Gran Canaria was characterised by lots of high wind. Our Atlantic trip so far has been the exact opposite. On Tuesday afternoon we change course from 214T to 222T thanks to an ENE wind which allows us to goosewing, using our pole for the first time on the Yankee. The wind deserts us again on Wednesday morning, and we are forced to motor again. The only good thing is we are heading South all the time where we are told the wind should be...