Lazy Sunday

Sun 29 Nov 2015 20:33

It’s now 8 p.m. (GMT), the sun’s set and our night watch pattern is starting.  We did manage to make Sunday a day of rest. The view didn’t really change from dawn to dusk. Just sea, sky and sun. Not even a sighting of another boat all day. Our main achievement was about an hour ago when we passed our waypoint ARC2.  We are not heading for ARC3 which is 288nm away.  Hope to get there sometime Tuesday. Then there's ARC4, 5, 6 and 7 to get us within half a day's sailing of St. Lucia.  10 more days? 

We’re still motoring and there’s been no change from the gentle 8-10 kn wind.  We really need 15+ kn to tempt us to turn off the engine.  I’m afraid that’s why our position in the rankings looks so good - most of the other boats won’t have enough fuel on board to make motoring for days on end a possibility.  Qing set off with 1500 litres of diesel, so we could motor all the way if we needed to.  Hopefully that won’t be necessary, the forecast says we should get a decent wind by Tuesday.  Roll on Tuesday!

Tommy, your solar still experiment was a success - if you can count two mouthfuls of fresh water after three hours of operation a success.  It was genuinely fresh water though - no salt, but I think we’d need to scale up the operation if it’s to make enough to survive on.  Still, not bad for a saucepan, a coffee percolator pot and a bit of clingfilm!


P.S. I gather I worried one or two readers with my recent post about our broken water maker.  Just to be clear - we have plenty fresh water on board to last many weeks.  We’re not going to dry out.  Having said that, we are having to forgo our freshwater showers and use seawater to flush the loos and wash the dishes - so it is pretty tough  ;-)



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