17:32:39S 149:34:20W 26 June 2010

The Adventures of Sunboy the Sailboat
Al Sparkes and Deb Swain
Mon 28 Jun 2010 00:10
12,000 miles sailed!!!!
Well we are now in Papeete in Tahiti and safely tucked up in the inner harbour marina with access to unlimited potable water and a free wifi network we have been able to tap into, wooohooooo. Unlimited showers and internet, the crew have gone crazy!!!
We worked pretty hard on the boat yesterday, dodging squalls and having a windward sail all the way down here which was a most unusual point of sail for us all. The wind and seas tended to increase during the day and we ended up having two reefs in the main and a furled headsail and were still doing 8.5 knots over the ground. The full moon rose over the clouds as we neared the island of Tahiti which proved a spectacular backdrop to our last bit of the passage. We found our way into the harbour with the help of the leading lights and the great detail on our chart plotter and then came over to the marina where we are berthed up. We quickly got changed and walked over to a nearby park where there are a number of vans which cook up things like burgers, pizzas, chinese and crepes and we dined out which was a real treat for us. Fancy Free and Meander came in about three hours behind us and we help them tie up to the lazy lines, med mooring style.
Debs and I headed over to the local markets this morning and got some fresh fruit and veges and of course some more baguettes. My first impression of Tahiti is wow. The blend of Polynesian with French is just fantastic. We are probably going to motor over to an anchorage this arvo which is about five miles away and catch up with the guys from Ghost to see how there rig fixing is getting on and then make arrangements to get our work done as quickly as possible. Catch you soon...................