Day 3 - Risque Business Blog
Fri 24 Nov 2023 11:37
23:33.27N 018:26.59W
Well we lost the use of our spinnaker pole last night -
the damaged pole fitting finally sheared off - hopefully a spare will meet us in
Mindelo when DB joins the crew. The genoa isn't happy without it but we're still
making good progress with a 24 hour run of 175 NM in the 24hrs from midnight
Sunday to midnight Monday.
This morning we have a steady 20 - 25kts with gusts into
the 30's and one even over 40kts during the night! Had some more light rain
showers and it's been pretty cloudy with a lumpy ol' sea! We've a boat speed of
7 - 8 kts with just the genoa flying which, at this rate, will hopefully get us
to the midway point to Mindelo around midnight tonight (total distance of 867 NM
from Las Palmas to Mindelo).
Ran our 1st SSB HF Radio Net at 1000 this morning with
11 other yachts logging into the net this morning providing there position, wind
speed/direction and engine hours. Pleased to report that nobody reported
any issues and it was good to know that there is other human life out there,
even if we can't see them.
As I write, we've had a cry of "fish on" from Ed and
with Nick there's some frantic reeling in over the stern. Sadly the 80kg line
has snapped after 10 minutes of them fighting - that's another that has got away
and no tasty lunch for the RB crew now! Current score - RB Crew 1 : 2
Everyone is well and, apart from Nick, have had some