Risque Business on her way … again!

Fri 24 Nov 2023 11:55
16:48.36N 25:11.20W

Sail has been repaired and we’ve refitted, so we’re off again. We crossed the start line in Mindelo at 1939 on Sat 18th Nov and yet again face 2,200NM before we arrive in Grenada.

A manic day after getting in to Mindelo Marina late last night and grabbing a pizza in the Irish bar. The day started early with us derigging the mainsail, which on. 57’ yacht is bloody heavy and cumbersome. All ready for Tuga, the sail repair chap in Mindelo and also the port master, to collect at 10am where it was stitched back together. Rich went to collect it at about 1530 and obligingly had a shot of grog and ended up with the whole bottle coming back to the boat with the sails. Thanks Tuga!

We spent the next few hours re-rigging the main and triglycerides dropped the anchor, so Nick could get his Scuba gear on to check the hull and skin fittings were clear of crustaceans. Rich cooked up a good hearty chicken, ham and veg stew served in a wrap, which was welcomed by all, as we hadn’t had time to eat much all day.

At the moment It is 2215GMT and Rich has taken over the watch from David and everyone is settling down to a single 2 hr on and 8 hr off watch system. George, our wonderful autohelm, is now identifying as Holly (we’re all Red Dwarf fans) so Holly is keeping a majestic course of 288deg with a slight sea as we head to the south of the island of Sao Anteo. We’ve got a ENE F.4, gusting F.5 and are pushing along at 6 to 7kts. The moon and stars are bright and the skies clear, as I settle down to my watch. Ed due up at midnight to take over!