Wednesday 17th August 1230 hrs

Premier Flair - RORC Fastnet Race IRC2
Wed 17 Aug 2011 11:50
So having rounded Fastnet we hoisted the Kite to
head on the short leg S.W toward Pantaenious which we rounded for the leg SE to
Bishops Rock. Unfortunately flying the kite was short-lived (Chris Hill wasn't
around to decide if we were all on the same page or not?!) so we moved to Gen 1
for a closer haul bearing SEE.
During the last 24 hours we have also had some
unexpected visitors in the form of porpoises next to the boat...for most of
this was great to see some other mammals other than our Team-mates.....for a few
it did lead to some arousal and as for our Isle of Man friends we were assured
at least one was a former 'ex' Mermaid partner!! We are quite a broad
Currently doing 6.5 knots and 42 miles off BISH (as
displayed on instrumentation): Bishops Rock.
Speak Soon