Monday 15th August 1245 hrs

Premier Flair - RORC Fastnet Race IRC2
Mon 15 Aug 2011 11:51
Well, we had an interesting start, all 71 of us ... and then a competitive beat down the Solent, exiting the narrows at Hurst Point at around 1400 hrs. The wind picked up to 20-22 knots past the Shingles, the fell back to 18 knots from the SW once we got out into the Channel proper.
Then the long beat past Portland - we just made the tidal gate (phew! - so many bad memories from years gone bye..). So it was a full on night getting into the watch system, getting the boat down to Start Point for about 6am, then the wind dropped, and we have been trundling on our way to Lizard Point - currently 32 miles off.
A few have had minor bouts of 'maladie de la mer', but all are now well and on fine form. We have had the first round of the press-ups competition, and David McMeeking, not surprisingly holds the current record at 30 off !