29/11 0000 Squalless

Sun 29 Nov 2015 03:07
287nm to go
Morning all
A set of black angry clouds appeared just before dinner last night (Nigel did very well with 1/2 an onion and some tinned ham). So being well prepared (aka having taking a bit of a kicking a couple of nights ago) we took the jib off the pole and broad reached with 2 reefs in the main. Wind built to 30kn but no more and I didn't get wet. The worst of it seemed to be tracking off after another yacht that had come into view heading SW. It was the first boat we've seen in real life or on AIS so quite exciting but twas only fleeting as the darkness chased it!
Susan felt we had done all this squalling bit and where were the whales and dolphins she'd been promised by the many sea faring folk of Beer ? Most we've had are FFF (f flying fish) - another terminated itself in the forward head this evening - and some pretty sea birds that are awesome soaring and ducking just over the big waves. Maybe today Susan.
The Ogin here is getting pretty blue so really looking forward to seeing some shallow water - and seeing how much fishing net, line, weed, rope we have delivered across the atlantic on our keel.
Magical night here with the moon lighting up our wake, which itself is quite impressive as we are pulling 9-10kn again now downwind - awww he's gone all soft...
In other news:
Susan made bread to Betsy's recipe at lunchtime which was really good (thank you Betsy for the ingredients and tins). My earlier cynicism over Cape Verdian beer not having any yeast unfounded.
I tipped over all the sardines in tomato sauce carefully prepared (opened) by Nigel at lunch but scraped it back up and ate it anyway. This was good in 3 ways, a bit of oil on the teak, I got to scoff the lot, and I haven't been ill yet.
Daisy is doing a good job atm but feel I ought to helm a bit...