February 6th

23:21.7s 14:31.4e We set off bright and early on the start of our new
day. We ventured on through another deserted village and then a very
strange sight appeared in the distance. The ‘Edward Boland’
stood in our gaze like a soldier of yester year, determined not to fall, but
bearing out the weather of time. Her long time friend was a brown
hyena who had made her home here, and they existed quietly together for
many a happy year. We found the brown hyena in the shade and
shelter of her stern, lying as still as could be, recently giving up to this
barren land. On we went, eventually arriving at the beach leaving the
ship of the desert behind us. Many jackals were roaming the sands, alert
and on the prowl for seals. This section of beach is only visible at low tide
and even now we had to dodge the waves breaking in our wake so as not to get
stuck in the wet sand. The dune driving recommenced and how those dunes
flowed! Our team, Doug, the chief navigator, Kenneth, the co-pilot and junior
navigator and myself were really working well together and having an abundance
of fun, exhilaration and adrenalin rushes! We were just about to embark
on what was to become THE most exciting part of our drive. Ken pipped us at the
post at being the first volunteer, although I suppose big brothers can still
pull rank even at our age!!! We set off on a relatively smooth climb
consistently bending to the right as if driving along an arc. We were now
opposite our fellow trekkers. We then had to do a sling shot loop as a
build up to gathering speed.......H4 first gear.......second gear.........then
quick change into third and we were off, foot flat on the ground
squeezing every drop of speed from our stallion, we descended the hill and as
we saw the bottom of the hill looming before us we were at maximum speed.
Suddenly as the car was shaking with excitement, it jolted as we started our
ascent and up we went, still on full throttle. There was absolutely no
way we were not making this dune. Our wonderful 4x4 had become our very
own roller coaster and we were having the drive of our life! We set up camp in a dune basin and the dune boards
immediately came out. As I was having my first go, a rainbow appeared in
the sky and spots of rain started to fall. As I stood up and reached down for
my board, a single Namibian rand was lying in the sand. ‘Pennies
from heaven’ immediately sprang to mind and I felt like I’d found
my very own pot of gold! Aubrey and Jacques, (‘The Boys’, as we
called them), Caspar, Doug and Kenneth went up a large dune and were having a
whale of a time. I joined them but didn’t seem to be gaining much speed
so switched to Aubrey’s board and my word, I knew I was boarding
then....it was excellent fun! The camp fire was soon lit and as always, we gathered
around, but this was for the very last time. Each car presented a party
piece......we did our ‘Oola Doola Doff’ story! The atmosphere was
happy but slightly subdued by a quiet sadness. We had all been through
the desert together, living like nomads and the experiences and emotions we all
shared are incomparable to any other adventures. |