February 2nd

Ship of the Desert
Tomlinson Clan
Tue 3 Feb 2009 20:51
25:25.0s 15:06.7e We left Luderitz at 9,30am. We drove past Kolmanskop, a
deserted ghost town from the mining era of around1910. Kenneth snuggled
down with ‘A Comedy of Errors’ as we retraced our steps to our
entry point to the desert. We are now a convoy of 14 cars (3 guides’ cars),
6 guides and 23 trekkers. At 10.30am we stopped to reduce our tyre pressure to 1.2
bars for driving on the dunes. I took the wheel at 2.20pm and it was absolutely fantastic!
We stopped at 7pm and pitched camp. Caspar and Douglas went sand boarding
down an incredibly steep hill and amazed us with their courage. The dinner
around the campfire was delicious and after several drinks, we retired for a
good nights sleep. We drove 200 kms today. |