Day 6 in the House

Graham & Wendy Bobbit
Sun 2 Dec 2012 16:21
We are well settled into our watch patterns now and have all found our sea legs. We have covered 841nm since leaving Las Palmas sailing dead downwind under twin head sails. The last three days have seen us setting new 24 hour distance each day with the last 24 hours record being 171nm, that’s an average of 7.1knts
The 8am watch change found Martin fighting with the fishing rod that he had only just put into the water. It must have been a whopper, because it broke our brand new, specially purchased, very expensive Penn Senator Fishing Reel and eventually got away. So far that’s two bites but no fish landed. We have now resorted to hand line and lure.
Cooking on board is going well I think seeing as it’s me that’s doing it but we did think we had lost the fridge for a while and were thinking that the contents would be going over the side. But it turns out that it’s a voltage thing so this is where pink job meets blue job. The catering service will continue if the power supply is maintained. Let me explain for those that don’t understand!!! Well apparently pink jobs are done by girls (cooking, cleaning etc) and Blue jobs, engines and generators, batteries etc are Boys jobs. Thank you to Nick & Jo for telling Graham about that one!
Well that another 3nms covered while I have been writing so “Are we nearly there yet”