Another weekend looms!

Ivan Campbell
Fri 10 Dec 2010 14:25
13:53.000N 47:55
Date: Friday, 10 December [13:30 UTC]
Facts and figures:
  • Distance to go to St Lucia: 750 miles 
  • Day’s run 10:30 – 10:30: 168 miles (latter part of day winds E-NE F4 - F5)
  • Depth: 4000 meters
  • Closest land – French Guyana (South America): 587 miles
  • Distance to Barbados: 675 miles
  • Distance to Trinidad: 783  
  • Temperature: 31 degrees centigrade
  • Relative humidity: 55%
  • Ship’s time is now –3 hours UTC
We are now 750 miles away from St Lucia and we are still firmly in the grasp of the E-NE trade winds. For five days now, we have been able to maintain good daily runs of 140, 134, 180, 180 and 168 miles respectively. If this keeps up, we should be home for Xmas 2010!
Two yachts are close by: ‘Windflower’ (9 miles ahead of us) and ‘Enigma’ (6 miles to the north of us which we can see).
A very rolly night was experienced on board as a result of moderate to light E winds coupled with a large and confused swell. We had to run N-NW on a broad reach with reefed genoa, main and mizzen sails ensuring that we were able to reach the 14:00 degree latitude line this morning before setting the down-wind running sails which now allows us to runs directly due west for St Lucia.
Seas are calmer today and certainly more enjoyable on board. Messrs Dermot and Mike have been keeping busy fishing and Dermot managed to hook two large ocean monsters (1 last night and another this morning). As per the norm, both of them got away with many $$ worth of gear (yes, again I hear you say!).
Skipper Ivan has been taking his daily sun sights with his sextant and is still working out his sums to find out where were are or where we are supposed to be!
Cabin Boy Jimmy continues to top up his tan and could easily be mistaken for a young Justin Timberlake (yeah, right!). And Jimmy can’t sing either!!
The ship’s doctor continues to hold clinic and has been lecturing the crew on the importance of personal hygiene. Dr Joe advised that you should be able to get at least 4 days out of 1 pair of underpants..... The crew nodded in agreement and no-one seemed to dispute Dr Joe’s advice..... Cabin Boy Jimmy was the only member of the crew who looked a little ‘sheepish’ – none of us know why?
The crew shared last night’s dreams whilst eating breakfast around the saloon table this morning. Unfortunately, due to strict censorship rules, the details of these cannot be disclosed. Needless to say that there were a few common themes: shower, deodorant, food, drink.
Kind regards from Skipper Ivan and crew.