Getting Ready for next Stage

ARC 2014 Blog for Yacht 'Jo'
Ted Watts/ Mark Watts
Sat 10 Jan 2015 19:59
Sunday, 28 December![]() What a delight, Chris and Derek arrived about 2.5 hours earlier than expected! Luckily the various jobs were finished, dinghy outboard emptied of fuel, carburettor cleaned, so that hopefully she will not cut out mid journey! Monday 29 December We left Rodney Bay at 10.00 am, Ted having spent some time filling in forms and clearing customs. The crossing to Martinique was lumpy at the start, Iris felt unwell and Ted gave her a patch to wear, after a sleep she felt OK. Mainly 17 knots of wind but as we approached Fort de France, the wind picked up to above 20 knots, 50% of the time on the wind. Anchored to the right of the beach, Ted and Derek went ashore to try and find Customs, it was not where it should have been, so they then went to a couple of yachts, who told them that Customs was now located in a chandlery, by then we were all hot and tired, Chris feeling a little unwell, so another patch appeared. We were escorted along the journey by some superb fishermen with wings! We need to find out what sort of birds they are, answer = Boobies! Tuesday 30 December Spent the morning looking around Martinique, found the chandlery where we needed to check in and out and managed to buy a length of chain. Apparently everyone here chains their dinghies to the shore, it is not recommended to just tie them up. This evening we had fireworks! A good display set off at the fort, we were asked to relocate Jo a little further away, but by the time it started 2030, lots of small motor boats had joined those of us anchored in the bay, and whilst I write this, the music has started, it’s going to be a long night! |